The Voting Process

There are several other aspects to the voting process, in addition to registering to vote and voting, that are important for voters to be aware of. These include early voting, vote by mail, provisional voting, and protecting your vote.

Early Voting

Early voting allows voters to cast their vote at a location prior to Election Day. Early voting has many benefits for voters, including avoiding the potential of long lines on Election Day and making voting more convenient to voters’ schedules. Many states allow voters to vote early. Visit your state page here to learn more about early voting in your state or call 888-839-8682.

Vote By Mail

Vote by mail, or absentee voting, allows voters to cast their ballot through mail. Many states allow voters to register to vote by mail. Some states allow voters to become permanent vote by mail voters, where you receive all election materials, including the ballot, by mail for all upcoming elections. Please visit your state page here to learn more about voting by mail in your state.

Provisional Voting

Provisional voting allows voters whose eligibility is in question to still cast a vote. The provisional ballot is considered a temporary ballot. Federal law allows voters to cast a provisional ballot if they encounter any of the following scenarios:

  • Your name does not appear on the official poll list for that precinct or election official is unable to determine your eligibility; 
  • You are unable or decline to provide the required proof of identity. Please visit your state page for state-specific requirements or contact your local election official. 
  • Your name appears on the official poll list for that precinct as having already requested an absentee ballot. 

Remember, you can vote provisionally at any polling place location.

When completing a provisional ballot, remember to:

  1. Fill out the state on the envelope that comes with the provisional ballot. 
  2. Once you voted, place the ballot in the provisional ballot envelope and return the sealed envelope to the election official. A
  3. After Election Day, contact your election official to determine if your ballot was counted.