The ya es hora  ¡Ve y Vota! campaign is the non-partisan voter engagement segment of the ya es hora comprehensive civic participation strategy, designed to remove the barriers to full Latino electoral participation.

The ya es hora  ¡Ve Y Vota! non-partisan voter information and education infrastructure consists of both thecampaign's 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA bilingual national hotline and our veyvota.yaeshora.info website.  These tools provide Latino voters nationwide with vital information on every aspect of the electoral process, from registering to vote, to voter ID requirements, to finding their polling place on Election Day. 

The NALEO Educational Fund's (888) VE-Y-VOTA hotline continues to serve as the official campaign hotline, staffed by live bilingual operators year-round, all trained to assist callers with any voting questions or issues.  In 2008, over 35,745 calls were placed to the hotline with 8,237 calls placed on Election Day 2008 alone.

The campaign also developed one of the nation's most comprehensive bilingual voter information websites, www.veyvota.org, featuring essential and detailed state-specific election information, a polling place locator, and an easy-to use voter registration tool.  From July to November 2008, more than 50,000 visited the site, and more than 25,000 registered to vote through the site.

Many local organizations participated in the campaign through promoted voter registration drives, and other voter engagement activities.

Heavy rotation of PSAs that included recognized and trusted Univision talent from across the nation encouraged viewers to register and vote, and to visit www.veyvota.org or call (888) VE Y VOTA.  Additionally, seven A Su Lado news broadcasts were produced in 2008 alone, where each segment discussed different topics relating to the election process.

With the continued support of media partners Entravision Communications, ImpreMedia, and Univision Communications, the ya es hora  ¡VE Y VOTA!  campaign can reach over 90% of the Latino electorate across the nation.  As in Ya es hora ¡Ciudadanía!, public service announcements, news segments, stories, and television specials will air on Univision outlets, along with advertisements, articles, and information in ImpreMedia nationwide.